
Erasmus is a multimedia web-comic depicting the isolated lives of those who live in rural and urban areas of Ohio. A series of horrific murders brings together a strange cast of characters who attempt to uncover a mysterious killer. However, the events that unfold within this three-act narrative will reveal dark secrets about the characters themselves. It’s up to Keegan and Isaac to find the answer to more than one mystery.

Concept Art: First Take

The story often shifts between multiple timelines; it’s main focus directed at two distinct moments. The first moment depicts the true origin of the Erasmus Murders, (10 years prior to the modern day), and the second depicts the gap of inactivity before the murders begin again, (the modern day). Erasmus takes place primarily during the modern era, but frequently revisits the past in the form of flashbacks, creating a patchwork of events that culminates in the story’s finale. As this is the case, the concept art below portrays characters during various stages of life.

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Finished Art: First Take

The samples below represent the finished art style that was released as a preview to promote the idea of Erasmus. These are examples of pages and of the videogame, point-and-click interludes that would break up the chapters. This would occur when Keegan or another character went through a crime scene or after a significant portion of the story ends. Because of the small number of victims in the present day and the amount their lives impact the characters/story, there are a significant amount of details that will need to be covered. The videogame, point-and-click interludes serve to speed up that process as an immersive, cinematic, musical, and emotional experience, rather than filling endless with the mention of clues. To view the videogame, point-and-click section, visit the “Gifs & Animations” tab at the top of the page.


Concept Art: Second Take

This concept art was created as a re-imagined version of Erasmus, one where Erasmus is solely a comic and not a point-and-click game with comic elements. Erasmus would function as a webcomic with complete chapters sold in stores for readers to buy. Below are redesigns of key-characters and social media promotional videos of my process.


Promotional video showing creation process of a panel.

Promotional video showing character design process.

Finished Art: Second Take

These pages were created as a re-imagined version of Erasmus, one where Erasmus is solely a comic and not a point-and-click game with comic elements. These pages would be published online and then sold in stores for readers to buy. The pages pictured below are 1 & 2.

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